
PT. Halmahera Island Resorts

Resort Owners & Resort Management


PT. Halmahera Island Resort (HIR), a legal entity in Indonesia aims to provide hotel and resort management professionals to the presence and service of hotels, resorts and apartments are planned in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

We represent companies and investment management services specializing in the field of hotels, resorts, spa, food & beverage operations and entertainment center. Property we really do have to meet service standards and describe the very special qualities of our goals through architecture, interior design, service and equipment.
Our senior management team together to provide experience in developing and operating luxury hotels and resorts, and also take care of the trademark for the hotels first-rate. Our capacity allows us to provide significant economies of scale in purchasing, technology, and marketing, and also we have the appropriate capacity to provide personal attention and that associated with senior management on every property we operate.

Special Competence

As the central source of impressive power, Halmahera Island Resorts offer professional management and financial accuracy in the field:

• Marketing and management for meetings and conferences
• Change the full Trademarks of existing properties
• Spa and Fitness Centre operational
• Apartment and Accommodation Service Management
• Food and Beverage Operations
• Resort and recreation facilities
• Entertainment Center
• Operational Hotel & Resort

Re-energizing the system

Our management system is developed and works in harmony with courage and philosophy of the owner. Whether as an owner in full, stockholders, and business partners, we Operate any property of a business plan developed with the good, the business plan in simple language. We analyze all aspects of operations and recommend an increase in capital and employees. Then we take responsibility from day to day management to ensure maximum return on your investment.

Maintain Human Resource Excellence

Training (training) that teaches the attitudes and basic skills are consistently reinforced through incentives and unique objectives, which ensure loyalty and spirit. The training program uses the concept of People Pleasing Others (People Pleasing People) to ensure re-HIR commitment to quality service through associates are friendly and very helpful. Known as the specialist of innovative human resource, HIR attract, train and accept the right person to serve a key position in a hotel. Inclusive style we bring new ideas from each division and an associate, the performance of continuous fine-tuning.

PT. Halmahera Island Resorts (HIR) is your turnkey services designed for operational
co-management 's that provide a spectrum of services that are used to guide you through all phases of hotel development and operations.
While thinking to build a business relationship-motivated and flexible performance to ensure client satisfaction, we berkomitmem to protect your investment and aims to achieve further expectations and goals. The services we provide include:

• Pre-Opening Services and Development (Development and Pre-Opening Services)
• Operations Management (Operational Management)
• Local knowledge of markets and market conditions (Local knowledge of markets and
• Planning of Sales and Marketing (Sales Planning and Marketing)
• Hospitality Recruitment, Training and Relations (Relations)
• Accounting Services and Full Report (Complete Accounting and Reporting Services)
• Service Design and Renovation (Renovation and Design Services)
• Gain a Large-scale Purchases (Bulk Purchasing Benefits)

Why consider the company's management and professional management contract?

1. Increased costs in an environment of complex business world
2. Great competitive strength
3. Critical decision making daily imperative to success
4. Human resource issues
5. Recruiting and retaining quality employees covering the entire operational
6. Getting the best solution in the management-intensive industrial complex
7. Experienced Professionals

While all of our contract will provide that the hotel will be operated with the operational standards contained in the Operators manual, should be explained that the hotel will be operated with the standard of an experienced GM and wise with a view to maximizing revenues and gross operating profit. It is clear that the position of the final negotiations will be some variation of this but, as an operational standard as defined in the Operators manual should be a bit fickle to ensure that trademarks can remain in effect, a standard or a sign of overall production should also be determined.
It is also important in terms of limitation for an owner to know that changes in the operational standards (which may, for example, the result of a merger) could lead to the improvement and replacement of expensive IT equipment. It may occur during the time of the contract that some significant improvements may be expected but it is advisable for an owner of at least negotiate a position, in certain circumstances, these costs are charged in whole or in part by the Operator (or at least not cost anything to Owners who only appears in those cases where it is applicable include portfolio Operators and for the benefit of the entire property in question is implemented). The owners will want to know that it will not cost you significant in a short time of approval with the original specifications!

Although the set of operational properties and services may seem simple it is, success requires those things in the wheel industry truly capable, able to plan for the future, and can handle the situation from day-to-day that may arise. Daily operational exceptional directly affect satisfaction for guests, visit again, and word of mouth recommendations.

Management company PT. Halmahera Island Resorts (HIR), experienced in all operational aspects include housekeeping, maintenance, front desk, reservations, food and beverage, supervision, training, accounting, design and renovation.

Renovation, Design & Purchasing

PT. Halmahera Island Resorts (HIR) has the expertise to handle all aspects of renewal and renovation. We are experienced and skillful in working with the supply budget and planning for long-term renovation project.

We, PT. Halmahera Island Resorts (HIR) do not use the intermediary. We know that the property services could not bear the cost of design and an expensive interior decorator. We feel that investing in better equipment than furniture and equipment for the package design with a very high price.
We are experienced in the field of interior decoration and design and can offer the best products with best price.

Field Services

As a designated and exclusive agency contracted by your hotel, PT. Halmahera Island Resorts (HIR) offers services including:

• Pre-Opening Services and Development (Development and Pre-Opening Services)
• Business Plan Realistic (Realistic Business Plans)
• Annual Marketing Plan (Yearly Marketing Plan)
• Complete Operations Management (Complete Operational Management)
• SPO Komprihensif (Comprehensive SOP's)
• Recruitment and Training of Personnel (Personnel Recruitment and Training)
• Human Resources (Human Resources)
• Accounting and Detailed Report (Detailed Accounting and Reporting)
• Refinancing (re-financing) if necessary

"Success requires a clear direction"

Asset management services consist of knowledge that requires leadership, hard work, creative energy and has a background of entrepreneurs. With our experience and professional knowledge, PT. Halmahera Island Resorts (HIR) is an organization with an uncompromising perfection, a work ethic roll up your sleeves, and a proven record of profits. Our goal is to provide individual attention and the best solution for the complex world of intensive management of operational services.

We welcome the opportunity to direct the establishment
your company towards success!

What We Do
• Controlling the reservation to your hotel through direct sales efforts.
• Maintain customer relationships between our hotels and companies within the scope of your market.
• Facilitating an Application for Proposals (Requests for Proposals - RFPs) and contracts en masse trip (wholesale) with the property. These contracts generate thousands of room per night for our hotels every year.
• Representing your hotel in major industry trade show.
• Actively participate in professional trade associations in every market.

Provide guidance, expertise and resources to assist the hotels we become more successful in sales efforts of their own.

Management Contract Expiration
Typical property management contract from PT. Halmahera Island Resorts (HIR) is comprised of alloy deadline legitimate (legal) and commercial. Some of this time limit has resulted in the immediate and long-lasting as possible to cash flow to you, the owner and the performance and our ability as an operator. We underline the following deadlines, which are described in more detail again below:

• Deadline: Term of agreement is from 3-10 years
• Operational costs; 6% of Revenue Room Only + the cost of A & P than 1% of total
• Assurance Operator; Guarantee Gross Operating Profit (GOP),
• Performance Measures; Setting KPIs
• Approval of Owner; will be discussed and agreed prior to signing
• Capital Expenditures: Same as above
• Non-Compete Clause; Non-Competition Agreement Territory
• Dispute Resolution: In accordance with the contract and applicable law in Indonesia
• Termination: In accordance with contract agreements and commitments
• Franchise Fee: Depends on Trademarks and payment after the signing of
• Trademarks; our current Trademark and property type on the management

Deadline (Terms)
The deadline for the beginning of a management contract HIR That is the length of time the agreement is unable to continue in effect. The deadline for early usually lasts for 3 to 10 years, depending on the property, re-branding and re-positioning of your property. The deadline for renewal is usually extend the total extension of the initial deadline. This is usually done by mutually agreed and rarely from one side only.

Operating Costs
• As an operator, HIR will receive a fee from the basic cost of the property owner, in exchange for running the job has been determined in accordance with the contract.
The cost base of ROOM REVENUE, including F & B, and other income and that of 15%. Other than the basic fee, HIR receive cost A & P based on Total Sales. The cost of D & C is known as Cost Advertising & Promotions that will be used solely for pemasran and promotion of your property.

• Security Operator
As operator, we will provide a guarantee to ensure you, the owner would receive the value of a certain income. If a return is not achieved, PT. Halmahera Island Resorts (HIR) warrants to replace the difference to the owner through their own funds. For example, if the contract states guarantee 45% per year

the GOP, and the operator only reached 40% in the GOP, the operator will then replace the rest of the GOP 5% of their own funds.

• Performance Measures (KPI Set)
There are two types of typical cirri of test performance measures, where you as a property owner can use it to monitor our performance as an operator. KPI stands for Key Performance Indexes (Key Performance Index) which gives you as the owner, a format to monitor our performance. The composition of this KPI comes from the SPO (Standard Operating Procedure) for a detailed Financial Report.

• Owner Approval
Article (clause) approved an extension that describes the necessary permission from the owner for making decisions that can affect hotel operations. This particularly includes the budget (budget), positions of key management positions, sources from outside (outsourcing), capital expenditure (capital expenditure), rental and licensing (concessions). This allows you as the owner to remain involved with key decisions that can affect cash flow and also allow for the transparency of the cost. In addition, if specified, an owner can narrow down the expenditure (for example, it is related to system purchase, licensing or leasing). Approval of the owner of the annual budget is usually negotiated, but such approval may depend on the requirements for performance tests, and can therefore not include certain items.
Operators have the responsibility to recruit and train personnel in the ranks of employees. In a significant proportion of the management agreement, approval of the owners only needed to recruit senior management, including General Manager & Financial Controller. Most common, while maintaining superior owner of the hotel staff. This allows the continuation of the work - and hotel operations - if the contract is terminated. Some senior management may be employed by the operator with a salary to staffs charged back to the hotel operations.

• Capital Expenditure
FF and E from a hotel are often exposed to heavy use and must be replaced at regular intervals. Periodic turnover of FF & E is very important to maintain the quality, image and potential revenue from a hotel. Meanwhile, a funds 'redemption' are prepared to accumulate capital from the periodic replacement of FF & E, usually a percentage of gross revenue. Included in this category are the items of non-real-estate that is usually added to capital rather than spend, which means they are not included in the statements of operations, but nevertheless affect the cash flows from the owner. The percentage of FF & E reserves slightly depending on the hotel situation. In general, however, hotel management agreements typically provide to a reserve for replacement of FF & E amounted to 3-5% of total revenue.
The HIR management contracts, bonds fall to the owner to provide funds for treatment in accordance with the standard hotels that are relevant trademark. If management

choose to delay needed repairs, they will not delete or save expenses, but only postpone payment until the next date. A budget hotel that is operated with a lower maintenance of the normal budget, usually have total accumulated that can be calculated from the delayed treatment. FF & E Reserve are less (not enough) will allow the negative impact on the standard or grading (quality) of the property, and may also lead to a decrease in performance and value of the hotel.

• Article (Clause) a Non-Competitive
An integral component of a market area supply and demand relationship that has a direct impact on the performance of the stock at current and anticipated from a competitive hotel facilities. By including non-competitive clause in our management contract, you as the owner has a guarantee that no property of any with the same trademark is allowed to be opened within a certain distance from your hotel, usually for the entire term of the agreement. Depending on the location, size of city and type the brand, this may be important to distinguish. More trademark market typically have a greater distance than the current hotel market. Negotiations to determine the non-competitive section may be based on the following points.
1. Trademark will be included in the section outside;
2. The deadline for the period beyond

• Dispute Resolution
Disputes which usually occurs between the hotel owner and operator can involve the budget, section (clause) performance, capital expenditure is required or a change in management. Terms (terms) that the key dispute the need for dipertimbangka below.
1. Decision Making - where, when the process of making
decisions, who will make decisions, and so on;
2. Expenditures - Who will pay for the dispute;
3. Courts and Venue - Where the court process will be implemented, and law and legislation which will apply;
4. Separation.
Disputes may be resolved in some way, even if the dispute is most often decided by a decision or an independent expert, in some cases the dispute may also involve the courts.

• Termination
Each party may terminate the agreement for various reasons, usually that included the bankruptcy, fraud, fault, performance is not appropriate and sometimes, sales.

Termination of the sale provides the opportunity for owners to realize its investment, and sell the hotel without any debt burden, and therefore potentially
get a high sales price, while it also offers greater flexibility to owners and potential investors. That's usually the driving scale of compensation paid to the operator, usually based on various cost tahuhan average gained. Scale describes the sum of the rest of the year but often within one to three times.

Termination without cause designed to achieve that end in accordance with the contract. Structure similar compensation will be imposed. Despite this, we assume that the results (outcomes) of the most desirable is to achieve mutual benefits ('win-win'), between you, the owner and us, with no one suffered from severe exceptional circumstances and each party fully appreciate the need from other people.

While most of the contracts will be provided and the hotel will be operated with the operational standards contained in the guidelines made clear that the operator must also be operated with the standards of a General Manager who is experienced and wise with a view to maximizing revenues and gross operating income (GOP). Clear that the final negotiating position will be some variation from but, as an operational standard as defined in the Operators manual should be a bit fickle to ensure that trademarks can remain in effect, a standard or a sign of overall production should also be determined.

• Franchise Fee
PT. Halmahera Island Resorts (HIR), operated by Franchise Management, with franchise fees vary, depending on the branding for the hotel properties that will be how you want. All fees are paid in full, after the signing of the Master Management Agreement (Master Management Agreement), and updated in accordance with the contract deadline.

• Our Brand
PT. Halmahera Island Resorts (HIR) has the trademark category for Franchise and Management:


1. HALMAHERA ECO RESORT Category 3 star Hotel or Resort
2. SPA Spa & Fitness Center (Wellness Center)
3. DIVE CENTER Diving Center (Diving Center)