
Potential Locations of the Halmahera Island Resort

Location 1      PULAU “X”

Pulau “X” Near Morotai Island North Halmahera ,Surveyed 14/07/2009 & surveyed by Divers 22/07/09.Great reef diving,no inhabitants.fantastic fish and marine life surrounding “Island X”

Location 2      PULAU “Y”

Pulau “Y” was surveyed 15/07/200,and consequently surveyed by Divers on 23/07/09.Great diving prospect,large island compared to Pulau “X”.Owners have shown interest in renting the island to us

Location 3   PULAU “Z”

Pulau “Z” is near the south coast of Tobelo and was located on July 12 2009.Divers will do a full
underwater study surrounding this island and the two other islands in October 2009.

Pulau “AAA”  In Buli Bay Area

Pulau “AAA” was found in Teluk Buli.A survey was conducted only on shore,not underwater.Fantastic location,but prone to heavy weather in Nov-Feb.Divers will explore and survey in October 2009

Equipments needed – DIVE CENTER

The following equipments are needed by the Halmahera Island Resort to start Diving operations for a group of 12 divers. I am assuming that all divers who dive with us initially do not bring their own diving equipment. Although many types of equipments can be purchased second-hand, I would not advice this because of the safety factor. After our Diving operations have been running for about 6 months, and then we can purchase more equipment to suit the demand. 


Mechanical devices that are used to compress gas or air are known as compressors. Compressors increase the pressure of gas by reducing its volume. One piece of essential equipment is a scuba diving compressor. These diving compressors are closely associated to pumps that raise the pressure of the fluids and transport it through pipes. Scuba diving compressors are filled with oxygen that helps divers breathe underwater. Scuba divers also use diving air compressors. These machines increase the quantity of usable air in the diving cylinder by raising the pressure.

I would recommend, because of experience in the Maldives and Indonesia, we use a Bauer Compressor. This is mainly due to the service and spare-parts availability. The specific type and size will be recommended soon. 1 unit needed with appropriate spare parts.
Scuba Tanks

     The Scuba Tank is the cylinder that the divers wear on their backs and use to breathe in      compressed air. The normal tank to diver ratio is 1:4 so if we are to base our initial set-     up for 12 divers, we should purchase 48 tanks. These are for guests only. Taking this      into account and if we are to have 4 dive-masters working for us we need an additional      16. Also tanks used for Scuba Training and Certification are needed. These tanks      should number 12 pcs. So the total number of tanks needed for our start-up would be      around 76 tanks. NEVER BUY USED TANKS. This is because of the safety to our      divers. We will never know how many number of times the used tank has been used      and under what circumstances. Therefore we must not try to cut corners and save a few      dollars on this, because the ‘death’ of a diver will spell the end of a dive centre’s      reputation and will have very serious consequences for the future of the dive centre.


Buoyancy Compensators (BC’s)

The BC or buoyancy compensator is used to float the diver and equipment on the surface and allows for adjusting for neutral buoyancy at depth. This requires ample weight to offset the buoyancy and the BC will need enough lift capacity to compensate for the loss of that buoyancy at depth. Common features for most BC’s include: a variety of shoulder and waist adjustments to help you custom fit the BC to your body. Quick releases on the shoulders make for easy removal. Trim weight pockets typically in the back of the BC, which allows the diver to balance the placement of weight. There are many brands in the market but the most popular and easy to find, as well as high quality are from CRESSI.

   For Men               


For Women                     

The total number of these BC’s we need in the beginning would be approximately 24. Although we only anticipate a max of 12 divers in the beginning, we also need them for the Dive-masters, Dive-instructor’s and the Students taking the Diving Coursed at the Eco-resort.

Diving Masks

A diving mask is an item of diving equipment that allows scuba divers, free-divers, and snorkeler’s to see clearly underwater.[1] When the human eye is in direct contact with water as opposed to air, its normal environment, light entering the eye is refracted by a different angle and the eye is unable to focus the light. By providing an air space in front of the eyes, light enters normally and the eye is able to focus correctly.

In the beginning we should only be investing in about 24-32 pcs of these diving masks for our Dive Operations. Apart from the Divers, Instructors who need the ,each boat has to carry one or 2 of these as sometimes the boat crew need to do repair works, cleaning, and to remove things stuck in the boats propellers’.


     The majority of divers prefer to dive with-out snorkels attached to their masks, that’s a      preference. However we should carry a stock of snorkels for each dive mask we      purchase. This is also very important to have when conducting Scuba Diving Training      Classes in the Eco-resort’s swimming pool. Therefore about 24-32 pcs should be required initially.


          A diving regulator is a pressure regulator used in a scuba set that supplies the diver           with breathing air at ambient pressure from one or more diving cylinders A gas           pressure regulator has one or more valves in series, which let the gas out of a gas           cylinder in a controlled way, lowering air pressure at each stage.


     Again, there are many brands in the market, but because this is a vital piece of      equipment we should use a well known brand. In the initial stage of our Dive      operations, we should purchase around 20-24, plus the usual spare parts that are
     needed which wear out often.

     Fin’s (Flippers)

          Scuba divers use fins to move through water efficiently, as human feet provide           relatively poor thrust, especially when the diver is carrying equipment that increases           drag in the water.


Open Heel Fin

Initially we should purchase around 24 sets of fins for the Dive operations.These      should be adjustable because different people have different sizes of feet,therefore the      “open heel fin” would be the one that we choose to purchase.

     Depth Gauge / Dive Computer
          A depth gauge is a pressure gauge that displays the equivalent depth in water. It is a           piece of diving equipment  used by divers. Most modern diving depth      gauges' have
          an electronic mechanism and digital display. A diver uses a depth gauge with           decompression tables and a watch to avoid decompression sickness. A common           alternative to the depth gauge, watch and decompression tables is a dive computer.    A           depth gauge and an oxygen analyzers/oxygen sensor can be used to measure the partial           pressure of oxygen of the breathing gas, which is necessary to avoid oxygen           toxicity.Digital depth gauges commonly also show the interval of time that the diver has been submerged and show the diver's rate of ascent and descent, which can be is        useful for avoiding barotraumas.

          Dive computers address the same problem as decompression tables, but are able to           perform a continuous calculation of the partial pressure of inert gases in the body           based on the actual depth and time profile of the diver.[1] As the dive computer           automatically measures depth and time, it is able to warn of excessive ascent rates and           missed decompression stops and the diver has less reason to carry a separate watch and           depth gauge. Many dive computers also provide additional information to the diver, for           example, the water temperature, information on the diver's oxygen toxicity or the           pressure of the remaining breathing gas in the diving cylinder.
          Because of the computer's ability to continually re-calculate based on changing data, the diver benefits by being able to safely remain underwater for longer periods of time     using an equal volume of gas. For example, a recreational diver who plans to stay          within "no-decompression" limits can in many cases simply ascend a few feet each   minute, while continuing the dive, and still remain within safe limits, rather than adhering to a pre-planned bottom time and ascending directly. So-called multi-level       dives can be planned with traditional dive tables, but the additional calculations   become complex and the plan may be cumbersome to follow. Computers allow for a    certain amount of spontaneity during the dive.

              Dive Computer                                            

Depth Gauge w/Compass

     Before we purchase any of these, we should do a ‘market’ survey in Manado/Bunaken      to see what the other operators are using, but the most popular brands are Uwatech,      Scubapro, Cressi and a few more. Again the total number of sets would be      approximately 18 sets. Many divers do bring their own Dive Computers but we should      have some available for them to use/rent.

     Depth Gauges are a MUST so therefore we should be purchasing approximately 18 pcs of them for our initial Dive Operations.

     Wet Suits
A wetsuit is a protective garment used for scuba diving. A modern, warm-water         wetsuit is mostly made from thin open-cell neoprene, and protects the wearer in warm     water from sun exposure. Wetsuits help to preserve body heat by trapping a layer of       water against the skin; this water is consequently warmed by body heat and acts as an     insulator. A wetsuit must have a snug fit to work efficiently; too loose a fit will allow    water to escape from between the suit and the body, taking the body's heat with it.          Flexible seals at the suit cuffs aid in the water retention. Neoprene is very buoyant,    helping divers to better stay afloat, and for this reason divers need to calculate extra         weight values based on the thickness of their suit to achieve neutral buoyancy       underwater.
          The suit loses buoyancy and thermal protection as the bubbles in the neoprene are  compressed at depth.

     Wetsuits must be available to our diving guests and we should carry a range of sizes      ranging from XS,S,M,L,XL & XXL. There are many different brands of dive suits that      are available, but being a Dive Operator, we have to focus on dive suits that are      durable and long lasting. The total quantity of Dive suits we should buy would be      somewhere in the region of 36 pcs, of different sizes.

     Accessories for Dive Operations
          There are many other accessories that are needed for a Dive Operations. These items include: weight belts, underwater lights, knifes, equipment bags, underwater flares,  dive buoys, dive flags, and many more. A complete list of these accessories is   attached in the “Investment” section of this proposal.


          Catamaran Sailboats

          Catamaran Sailing is a fun and safe way to enjoy the waves and winds off Ternate and           Tidore. They are easy to maintain and in the beginning I would suggest that perhaps 3           catamarans are purchased, 2 small ones for 2 persons and a bit larger one for 4 persons.
          These catamarans are made of fibreglass and therefore they have to be maintained and           cleaned on a daily basis using fresh water. As with all fibreglass crafts, fresh water           cleaning is very important.


          Sailing Boats

          Small Fibreglass sailing boats are very popular and very safe because there are no           engines or propellers to worry about. Although it is safe, basic knowledge of the sea           and the ‘danger’ areas have to be explained to the guests/customers’ before they set off           to sail. Also, the guests/customers who rent these boats will have to undergo a quick 10           minute demo training with our instructor before sailing off alone or with a friend.

Sea Kayak 

Sea Canoe

Portable Toilet


13. Boats needed

     For us to start these Diving, Sea-sports and Deep Sea Fishing activities we will require      different types of boats. These boats can be purchased in Indonesia or even made here      in Ternate according to our specifications and requirements. There are two boat makers      here in Ternate who builds fibre-glass speedboats and small ferries.

          Diving Boats:


          The type of Dive Boats that we should be looking at for the start-up of our dive    operations, should be roughly 12-16 meters in length, carry up to 16 people (12 divers and 4 crew), and be able to obtain a speed of 20-25 knots. Depending on the budget, we should perhaps look into getting the boats built to our specification here in Ternate,   or elsewhere in Indonesia .The ideal boat must have enough space for storage of 36 diving tanks, and dive equipment. Also the boat must be equipped with Radio   Transmitters and walkie-talkies so that communication to the Dive Base is maintained.


14. Diving Course Classroom Location

          Every Dive Centre has to have Classrooms to teach their students/divers the theory of  Diving and other diving lessons. Each Diver which will be certified by us, either through P.A.D.I or any other Diving Certification need to be taught in a classroom  environment.
          It is my intention that Neptune Dive Center will be a certified PADI Scuba Dive           Center offering the following courses:

  • PADI Open Water Diver Course
  • PADI Advanced/Advanced Plus Diver Course
  • PADI Dive Master Course
  • PADI Rescue Diver Course
  • PADI Specialty Courses

          All classes are followed up by 4 open water checkout dives conducted over a two-day           period. Dives are done in the warm clear waters of Ternate and Tidore .As a certified           PADI Open Water Diver, the most widely recognized and respected rating in the           world, the diver’s  have the freedom to dive with a buddy independent of a           professional nearly anywhere in the world.


 15. Diving Course Practical Training (Pool)

     After the Diving students have completed their theoretical training in the class room, they will have to do a practical training session or two sessions in the Eco-resort pool. This is in order for them to get familiar with the equipment, and also to do the swim test that is required for them. Since we have a very nice pool, the students will use this pool. After the students have been tested by the instructors, they will be ready for their first open water or deep dive, which is done off Ternate or Tidore depending on the type of dive course they are taking. For example:
PADI OPEN WATER: Course entails 5 academic sessions, 2 pool sessions, and 4 open water dives. Once successfully completed, the candidate will receive the coveted PADI OPEN WATER Certification credentials.


      16. Licenses Needed

     Before we start the Dive & Seaports Centre, we will have to obtain various licenses, so      that we have a legal status and we will not be disturbed by different Government      departments during our operations. The types of licenses will have to be researched      further, but they would have to be co-ordinated with the Navy Department, Tourism      Department, and Harbour Department, Customs and Immigration Departments, Dirpol      Air, Department Kelautan Dan Perikanan and others.

     Apart from the various Government Department’s approvals and licenses, we will also      have to obtain a Dive School Certification. These Certifications would mainly be      obtained from either P.A.D.I (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) or S.S.I,      whichever we decide to co-operate with. Before we can even start to teach Diving we      would need those certifications from the Diving Certification Organisations, if not, no      one will come to sign up for any course, or even to go diving since we are not certified      yet.

17. Safety Concerns (VERY IMPORTANT)

     In Asia you often dive in far away places, where an accident might mean a   journey of several hours if not days before you reach help. We are located quite    far from medical assistance and as Dive Operators we have to make sure, that our           dive boats have oxygen on board at all times and we must have in place           emergency procedures (phone numbers, ways to evacuate the diver, how long it       takes to bring the accident victim to the nearest hyperbaric chamber?).
     I am not a doctor, but as a diver I know, the best way to avoid decompression      sickness is still:
·        Don't dive too deep
·        Don't ascend too fast
·        Check with your computer for multiple dives
·        Always make a safety stop for at least 3 minutes and do all necessary decompression stops
·        Drink a lot of water (to avoid dehydration - 3 liters of water per day minimum, some say up to 10 liters in the tropics!).
          Diving is safe, but accidents can happen, our staff of Instructors and Dive    Masters have to be professional, and certified. This is a must!
In case of emergency evacuation of divers who suffer from Decompression Sickness, the nearest Hyperbaric Treatment Center is in Manado. At the Malalayang Hospital (chamber for 3 to 4 persons) Phone: 0812-4302970 / Dr Glen Hawkins HP +61 407700701 / Dr Sosiawati HP 0812 467 2923 / Dr Hanry Takasenseran HP 0813 4000 0840
I have talked to the Navy Commander in Ternate Kol.Laut.Bpk.Teddy, who is himself a professional diver and is very enthusiastic for us to open a dive center here. Bpk.Teddy also stressed to me the fact that Ternate has no Decompression Chamber (Hyperbaric Chamber). We are discussing soon with the Walikota and other Ternate Government Departments to perhaps request them to install one Decompression Chamber in one of the Hospitals in Ternate. This will take time and the only options we would have while waiting for this to happen is either to purchase one ourselves or just evacuate the diving accident victims to Manado. The problem with evacuation to Manado is that there are no flights to Manado after 15.30 hrs in the afternoon. If our accident victim does not reach Manado because of this, he or she may die. I have personal experience in the Maldives where this happened.
A decompression Chamber is expensive to buy and operate, but it is very feasible because the majority of Divers us a Diving Insurance Company called D.A.N or Diver’s Alert Network which will pay for the treatment of Diver’s after having an accident.

18. Affiliations and Membership of Relevant Professional Organisations

          As a Dive Centre, Sea-sports and Deep-sea Fishing operator we must affiliate   ourselves with different types of organisations. This is so that Neptune Diving & Sea-     sports Centre will be internationally and nationally recognized. This will also help us ti          get noticed, because all of the following organisations have their own Websites,          Newsletters and are always represented at major Exhibitions and Trade Fairs that have          relevance to our Diving & Sea-sports Centre. Some of these organisations have a paid      membership programme although most are free to join.

          Some of the organisations that I propose we join are as follows:

·        P.O.S.S.I    Persatuan Olahraga Selam Seluruh Indonesia
·        FORMASI Indonesian Sport Fishing Federation
·        P.A.D.I       Professional Association of Diving Instructors
·        D.A.N         Diver’s Alert Network
·        CMAS        Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques (CMAS)
                   (World Underwater Federation)
·        C.S.E.P      Cousteau Society for Environmental Protection
·        AUSI          Associated Underwater Scuba Instructors (Australia)
·        BSAC         British Sub Aqua Club
·        CEDIP       European Committee of Professional Diving Instructors
·        IADS          International Association of Diving Schools
·        KPDR        Russian Confederation of Underwater Activities
·        WOSD       World Organization of Scuba Diving
          These are a few of the many Organisations that Neptune Diving & Sea-sports Centre           should join. These Organisations will give us Global coverage as they are the main           diving organisations in the world. There are many other local regional organisations as           well, and these will be investigated for further information and benefits that they can           give to Neptune Diving & Sea-sports Centre.
          I have contacted a very close friend of mine; he is a ‘Pengesehat’ in P.O.S.S.I,           Laksamana TNI (Purn.) SUDOMO and he is very happy that Maluku Utara will have a           dive center, and urged me to set up P.O.S.S.I here in Ternate. Bpk.Sudomo will contact           the Ketua P.O.S.S.I Bpk. Freddy Numberi Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister and           convey the news that there is a serious attempt to start a Diving Centre here in Maluku           Utara.

19. Staffing Requirements for Neptune Diving & Sea-Sports Centre

     We will have to employ staff for this Diving & Sea-Sports Center and we will have to      do this gradually so that the costs are not too heavy in the beginning. I propose a      staffing level of (gradually):

          Diving Center

·        Diving Instructors / Dive Guides                                             3 pax
          (Must be English speaking)
·        Boat Captain                                                                           1 pax
·        Boat Crew                                                                               3 pax
·        Dive Equipment Mechanic                                                      1 pax
          Sea-Sports Center

·        Sea-sports Activities Manager                                                1 pax
·        Activities Crew                                                                       4 pax
·        Boat Captain                                                                           1 pax
·        Boat Crew                                                                               2 pax
·        Mechanic                                                                                 1 pax
·        Security (to guard center & equipments at night)                    1 pax

          Deep-Sea Fishing

·        Boat Captain                                                                           1 pax
·        Boat Crew                                                                               3 pax
·        Fishing Activities Supervisor                                                  2 pax

          Administration / Marketing / Dive-Shop

·        Activities Co-Coordinator                                                       1 pax
·        Accountant                                                                              1 pax
·        Marketing Manager                                                                 1 pax
·        Dive Shop Staff                                                                       1 pax

          Total Staff Requirement when fully operational                         28 pax

20. Marketing Strategies
          To market the Neptune Diving & Sea-Sports Center we will have to be very active in           many trade-shows, exhibitions, advertise in magazines, make our own web-site and           conduct on-site visits and dives for different dive clubs and dive tour operators. We           will be a new Diving & Sea-Sports Center in a yet to be explored diving destination,           namely Maluku Utara.

          I am very confident, after having surveyed different locations around Ternate, and           also after having discussed with my friends in the Fakultas Perikanan & Marine           Biologi at the UNHAIR University in Ternate. They will give me a data base of           researched diving areas, coral areas and fishing areas, including the migrating routes for different types of fish, during different times of the year. This will enable us to map a proper detailed nap of the areas of interest to Diving & Fishing        enthusiasts.

          Having said this, we must spend some time, effort and money to market our Diving &           Sea-Sports Center, both in Indonesia and internationally and regionally in Asia.

           The following trade shows and exhibitions should be visited and if possible we should           have a stand there at the shows and exhibitions. This can be co-shared with           Department          Pariwisata Ternate and Department Pariwisata Provinsi. The shows and    exhibitions are :


·        ADEX 2009 Asian Dive Exhibition          April 2009           Singapore
     Asia's International Dive Exhibition. Dive Equipment & Accessories      Manufacturers, Dive Travel Resorts, Underwater Photography & Videography,      and much more
·        DEEP Indonesia 2009                               2009                     Jakarta
Indonesia’s 3rd International Diving, Adventure Travel & Water Sports Exhibition
·        Boot in Düsseldorf                                     2009                       Germany Between 19 and 27 January 2009, the 40th staging of the International Boat Show features 1,700 exhibitors and their yachts, boats, diving, equipment for all water sports and maritime services in 17 halls.

·        Asian Diver                                      Asia’s Leading Dive Magazine
·        On The Edge Magazine                   Remote Diving Location Magazine (Asian)
·        Scuba diver Australasia                   Magazine covering Australasia Diving Sites


21. Dive Courses Offered

     Neptune Diving & Sea-Sports Center will offer a variety of Diving courses and      classes. Once we are established, we can add more courses and speciality diving      courses. In the beginning I would recommend the following courses to be offered by   our Diving Center.

          PADI OPEN WATER: Course entails 5 academic sessions, 2 pool sessions, and 4 open water dives. Once successfully completed, the candidate will receive the coveted PADI OPEN WATER Certification credentials. Price is inclusive of diver manual, use of all or any scuba equipment necessary to complete course, and upon successful completion, processing fees.

          RESORT COURSE: This is a course for the curious non-certified diver. The course entails a short academic session, pool session and, upon successful completion, a two-tank boat dive. A two-tank two-location guided dive (maximum depth 40 feet) and all necessary equipment included.

          SCUBA DIVER (2-3 days ) 

          The latest PADI program which is easy and fast to get scuba diving qualification. This course is special for people who got limited days of holidays to stay. A person who has passed the PADI Scuba diver can be able to continue module 4 and 5 on Open Water Diver Course. Virtually anyone who is in good health, reasonably fit, and comfortable in the water can earn a PADI Scuba Diver certification. At some point in the course, your PADI Instructor will ask you to demonstrate the ability to swim 200 meters without swim aids or 300 meters with mask, fins and snorkel and complete a bit of paperwork, to get you on your way.


          Instruction, 4 training dives, Complete Set of Dive equipments included & Certification. Please contact us for Referral Open Water Diver Course. Make sure you have the PADI Referral Form for enrolling the course.

          DIVEMASTER COURSE ( 2-3 weeks )

          The first step to become a PADI Professional Member, and to join the highly respectful Leadership Team in Recreational Scuba Diving Industry as well as qualified assistant instructor. Definitely the ticket to become a PADI Instructor, you need to have minimum 20 dives to start the course, and furthermore minimum 60 dives to gain the Divemaster qualification. The course fee is not including the PADI Divemaster Application Fee, paid directly to PADI.

          As soon as possible we should book the name www.halmaheraislandresort.blogspot.com. This is so that we can start to make the website, add contents, pictures and information. This website must be linked to www.halmaheraislandresort.com so that we get as much exposure as possible.

          Our website should be made available in a few languages, i.e. Indonesian, English, Italian and Japanese. More languages can be added later. Once we get our website started we should also add on search engine tools so that we get more hits.

          Our website must have the capability to book and pre-pay diving lessons, trips and sea-sports activities on-line. Also room reservations with special discounts should also be available to be booked and paid for on-line.

23. Pricing Structure & Packages Offered

     Neptune Diving & Sea-sports Centre’s pricing structure must be very competitive in      order to attract divers, fishermen and sea sports enthusiasts. We should be on-par with      the pricing structures of Manado, Bali and other places in Indonesia. As a newly      started Dive & Sea-sports center, people will compare prices, as they do with      everything else. Although we would virtually have a monopoly here in Maluku Utara,      the customers are very price conscious. We have the added benefit of having our own      Eco-resort and travel agency so that we should be able to offer very attractive and      competitive          packages.

     Listed below are some prices that other Dive, Fishing and Sea-sport centres in Indonesia are offering to their customers: All in US$ .
     Type                                        Bali                      Manado               P.Seribu

          PADI O.W.Course                            395.00                  465.00                  570.00
          PADI A.O.W Course               320.00                  375.00                  480.00
          2 Boat Dives / day                            80.00-125.00          65.00                    75.00       
          Scuba Gear Rental per day:
Full Set Scuba Gear
          (Reg, BCD, Wetsuit, M, S, F)  20.00 - 30.00           17.00                   25.00
Regulator                                   7.00 - 5.00                       5.00                      8.00
BCD Jacket                               5.00                        5.00                      5.00
Wetsuit                                     7.00 -  5.00                      5.00                      5.00
Mask                                         4.00 -  2.00                      3.00                      5.00
Full-foot Fins                            3.00 -  1.50                      3.00                      4.00
Open-heel Fins                          5.00 -  2.50                      4.00                      5.00

          Type                                        Bali                      Manado               P.Seribu

          Sea-Sports Activities:

          Jet-Ski   1 person size              30.00/15 min        20.00/15 min        45.00/30 min
Water Ski                                30.00/15 min        30.00/30 min        40.00/30 min
          Banana Boat per person                   25.00/15 min        20.00/20 min        30.00/20 min
          Windsurfing                                      30.00/60 min        20.00/45 min        30.00/60 min

          Deep-Sea Fishing:

          Full Day Charter (8hrs)                                                                                       
           (including food, beverages ,bait, tackle and fishing equipment)
          Half Day Charter (5 hrs)
          (including food, beverages ,bait, tackle and fishing equipment)

Packages We Will Offer (example)

          Certified Diver Package                   A

5 Days – 4 Nights. Departure every Saturday from Manado, minimum 4 pax

Day 01
          Arrival at Sultan Babullah Airport.Eco-resort pick up, transfer to our Eco-resort from Airport. Welcome incl. Cocktail by our General Manager & Dive Team. If you are bringing your own equipments, we will perform a equipment check for you upon arrival.
Resort briefing and check in.
          Lunch and Buffet Dinner Provided.
Overnight Stay in our Cabanas Room, with direct access into our free form pool.

Day 02
          Buffet Breakfast at our Eco-resort
          Non-limit diving & snorkeling at our Diving Sites off  Big Loleba Island and Surounding Islands. Lunch Boxes and beverages (non-alcohol) provided
          Dinner upon return to Eco-resort provided

Day 03
          Buffet Breakfast at our Eco-resort
          Non-limit diving & snorkeling at our Diving Sites off  the Islands.
Lunch Boxes and beverages (non-alcohol) provided
          Dinner upon return to Eco-resort provided

Day 04
          After breakfast at the Eco-resort, you will be transported on-board our dive boat to other Island, where drift diving and reef diving is very good.
          Non-limit diving and snorkeling.
          Lunch Boxes and beverages (non-alcohol) provided
          After Lunch we will continue on to Island where there is a fantastic reef .
          Dinner upon return to Eco-resort provided

Day 05
          After breakfast at the Eco-resort, you will enjoy a drive around the beautiful Island of Ternate, seeing the sights and the historic Portuguese and Dutch Forts. Trip to the market-place to see the spices of which island was world famous for in the 15th-19th Centuries. Lunch will be provided at the Restaurant. After lunch you will be transported to the Airport for your return flight back to your destinations.

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