

The Halmahera Eco-resort – Morotai.
Executive Summary
The Halmahera Eco-resort – Morotai will be the first fully integrated dive resort in the Morotai Island Regency in North Maluku, Indonesia. This dive resort will be built in three (3) phases, the first of which will be completed in 2012. P.T.Halmahera Island Resorts, a company duly incorporated in the Republic of Indonesia, will be the management company and developers of The Halmahera Eco-resort – Morotai.
The owners of P.T.Halmahera Island Resorts have many years of managing and operating resorts, hotels and diving ventures, both in Indonesia, and other countries.
The company P.T.Halmahera Island Resorts has newly acquired a 30 year, renewable lease, for the Island of Pulau Loleba Besar, consisting of 1.448.000 square meters or 144.8 hectares. The geographic location of the island of Pulau Loleba Besar can be seen on Google Earth with the co-ordinates 2°8'1.24"N  & 128°13'36"E
The Halmahera Eco-resort – Morotai will consist of 10 well appointed sunset’s facing Beach Villas, 1 dive center, 1 Restaurant and 1 bar. The second and third phases of the development will see the addition of 10 additional Beach Villas and a Spa, and 10 Beach Villas respectively, and will be funded purely through profits gained during the operation of the resort, at a pace that is both economically and timeframe viable, based on operating results. i.e. expansion plans will be financed from profits
The goal is to provide a unique resort and diving experience for both international and local tourists who want to explore the untouched and pristine waters in these very historical and marine life rich waters, as well as providing much needed employment to the surrounding local population.
1.1 Objectives
P.T.Halmahera Island Resorts and its management has identified the need of a unique eco-friendly dive resort in the Morotai area, and with Morotai’s proximity to Manado and Ternate, the resort will be easily accessible and will generate good revenues through its operations. To become a leader in eco-tourism and diving in the area and create new unique dive locations that will become the ‘must dive’ destinations for international divers and eco-tourists. Also we intend to:
·        Capitalize on excellent location opportunity where there are currently no competitors.
·        Maintain tight control of costs, operations and cash flow through diligent management
·        Provide unique customer experience and create satisfied customers.
1.2 Mission
P.T Halmahera Island Resorts has the intention of establishing eco-friendly and sustainable tourism activities in North Maluku Province in Indonesia, with the aim of promoting environmental and socio-economic responsible business management practices, through education, social development and local community involvement.
P.T Halmahera Island Resorts will become the leading resort operator in North Maluku, expanding to other areas in Halmahera, by utilizing local manpower and materials to help empower the local communities as well as a role model for others to follow.
1.3 Keys to Success
The keys to success in achieving our goals are:
·        Highest quality of service delivery through training and pre-opening on the job training for key personnel. 
·        Managing finances to increase profit by reducing operating costs and using innovative environmentally protective products.
·        Highly professional and experienced management team.
·        Creating a unique diving & eco-tourism experience for our guests. Increasing the number of repeated guests.
·        Targeted Marketing through various advertising channels. Limited but selective entry due to uniqueness of facility and resort’s surrounding areas.
·        Securing partial financing and achieving forecasted return on investments (R.O.I)
·        Maintaining and growing its referral networks to generate new and repeat sales.
·        Improving efficiencies of operations through modern management strategies and technologies.
·        Price competitive service offerings making The Halmahera Eco-resort – Morotai a truly unique dive destination and resort.
Company Summary
Halmahera Eco-resort Morotai will be owned and operated by P.T Halmahera Island Resorts. The resort will be funded through equity financing. The resort will be managed by the owners creating a professional management team to increase sales revenue and improve the rate of return from investment.
2.1 Start-up Summary
The parent company P.T Halmahera Island Resorts is currently seeking equity financing to finance the completion of the new resort facility. Most of the expenses will be used for constructing the resort facility, and heavy duty equipment such as generators, dive center equipment, furniture, fixtures and operating equipments and the like.
2.2 Company Ownership
The company P.T Halmahera Island Resorts is jointly owned by its founder and one outside investor and his wife. The founders have over forty five (45) years of joint experience in the entertainment, dive resort, hotel, and restaurant industries, both internationally and in Indonesia. They will retain 55% ownership of the venture and serve as the management of the resort for the first five years. They are offering 49% equity ownership for the remaining of investment necessary to complete the first phase of the project. Every United States Dollars Six Thousand Five Hundred (US$ 6.300) of investment will buy 1% equity ownership. Ideally, 2 investors would make up the bulk of the 45% equity funding. They will start receiving dividends in the third year, and would be eligible in the fifth year to opt for a buy-out option of their shares by the founders of the company, or to continue their investment in accordance to approved expansion plans of the company. Details of the investment offerings and the various participation schemes are found in the following Financial Plan of this proposal.
Initially The Halmahera Eco-resort Morotai will have the following facilities:
Phase 1 (completed by mid-end 2012)
·        10 individually-themed sunset facing beach villas, luxuriously appointed to international boutique standards, each with individual ‘private’ beaches
·        An International Dive Center, fully equipped with all the necessities for a world class diving resort, affiliated with international diving associations and diving accreditation organizations.
·        1 Themed Restaurant seating 40 persons.
·        1 Bar/Lounge with a seating capacity of 40 persons.
·        1 Fresh Water Swimming Pool, used for guest’s recreation or for dive courses.
·        A 30 meter long Jetty for berthing vessels and boats

. Market Analysis Summary
The Halmahera Eco-resort Morotai will target a wide variety of divers as their target market. The unique facility with the professionally managed diving center will offer visiting tourists,the best in a variety of diving disciplines and dive sites.
4.1 Market Analysis
The Halmahera Eco-resort Morotai which will be located in the Morotai Regency of North Maluku province of Indonesia, which has fantastic dive sites and locations with-in easy access of the resort. These unique dive sites can be easily marketed through targeted advertising. The sport of diving in Indonesia is relatively in its infancy, with diving centers in operation for a little over 10 years. Many popular dive locations have already been damaged due to encroachment by man, while new locations are constantly being explored and sought by diving aficionados. There are still many areas in Indonesia in which no one has ever dived before ... such as in Morotai, opening up the possibilities of new discoveries of pristine diving conditions and the sighting of unique marine species. Please look at the following web links to get a much clearer picture of the location and its potential:

”over an area of 24,500 km2. Halmahera is located in the Coral Triangle, the area with the richest marine life in the planet.”
This comment has been made by highly respected marine biologists and conservationists after their visit to Halmahera recently

4.2 Market Segmentation
The target market can be separated (but not confined to) into the following six categories:
Seasoned Travelled Divers: Most of this target market will be male and female couples, who will be interested in exploring new dive sites and locations during their travels.
Young Diving Professionals: The second category of target market is young diving professionals in and around our area between 25 and 40 who have enough money to spend on quality resorts and travel.
Married Couples (Divers & Non-Divers) : People who are married and between the ages of 30 to 50, who have either one or two kids or don't have any kids are targeted for this segment. These middle aged people have sound financial income and will be interested in spending their annual leave travelling to new dive locations, and new destinations ‘off the beaten track’.
Tourists/Vacationers: Tourists from Indonesia and also for the international tourists. This category of people will be interested in getting a unique  & dive resort experience by spending more money. This category of guests can be easily attracted to the facility by creating vacation packages with various airline agencies and local tourist help brokers. The age category can range between 25 – 40.
Dive Tour Operators: This segment has a very wide and broad range of different nationalities, but initially will consist of the 7 to Dive Tour Operators from Germany, Italy, France, USA, Singapore, Japan and other countries, that specifically cater to dive travelers.
Eco Tourism Tour Operators: This segment caters to the ever growing Eco-Tourists who would want to enjoy the possibility of un-explored habitats, both marine and lad based, nature trekkers, bird watchers and environmentally conscious and aware travelers. This age group would be in the late 30’s to the 50’s.

4.3 Target Market Segment Strategy
The market is segmented based on the age and lifestyle category of each group. Market is also segmented into various categories for targeting different types of promotions and advertisements suitable for each target market segment.
Seasoned Travelled Divers: This segmentation is targeted for experienced and seasoned divers in the age range between 35 to 60. They are more interested in serious diving, photography, marine life and conservation and will find value in the variety of dive sites and marine life, rather than the décor and ambience of the rooms and other facilities. 
Young Diving Professionals:This segmentation is targeted for young professionals  between the ages of 25 and 40. These business professionals will be interested in conducting diving, light entertainment and other social activities. Compared to all other segments, this segment has more potential to spend money in other non-dive activities. This segment of the market can be attracted with corporate promotions and targeted corporate tie-ups for promotional introduction to the Halmahera Eco-resort – Morotai
Married Couples (Divers & Non-Divers) : This segmentation is for people in the age group of 30 to 40 who are married and are interested in having fun. This group enjoys relaxed diving, snorkeling and relaxation on beaches and remote locations. Honeymooners are also in this category.
Tourists/Vacationers:  This market targets people who visit this area from other parts of Indonesia (either as a first or last stop in Indonesia) both local as well as from other countries. This market is constantly looking for better and new locations and places and will be ready to spend more time and money for these unique experiences. The age group for this target market can vary between 20 to 40 years. Most of the tourists will be interested in all types of activities since they will get various experiences by participating in the resort’s various activities and off-island tours. This target market can be attracted by selective ad promotion through travel agencies. Tourists can also be attracted through big billboard ads placed near or in local airports and hotels with promotional package advertisements. 
Dive Tour Operators:  This segment of the market will be individually approached with very attractive ‘introductory’ offers and even ‘country specific Master Whole-Sale Agreements’. They will also be targeted through participations at Diving Specific Trade Exhibitions, regionally as well as internationally.
Eco Tourism Tour Operators: These target specific tour operators will also be approached using the similar methods as the Dive Tour Operators. Also, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) who are driving Eco-Awareness projects in the region, will be targeted to help the resort gain acclaim and notice through their network and contacts.
4.4 Dive Resort & Resort Business Analysis
P.T Halmahera Island Resorts is in the dive resort and resort industry, along with other specialty hospitality and sports P.T Halmahera Island Resorts businesses. This industry grows tremendously every year, making very good profits for businesses.

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