


The Halmahera Morotai  Eco Resort

This prospectus is made for any potential investor or partner who would like to participate in this venture. The exact amount of investment that is open for participation in the region for an equity of between 49% and 51%,

 with the total investment being Rp.

We are not looking for just pure investors, but persons who are able to contribute to the growth of the resort and the long term vision ,of making a ‘chain’ of “Eco”-resorts in the Halmahera region, through the ‘investor/partner’s’ business relationships and networking. This means that the potential ‘investor/partner’ will have more to contribute to the business venture than just capital.

In order to enter this lucrative and fast growing business, it is very important that you fully understand the concept, structure and the philosophy around this type of business. We are not looking for an investor who just has money but, has no interest in the social sustainability and responsibility of this project. The following are points that have to be considered before investing in this business. :

1.     Why an “Eco” Type of Resort ?  and what is “Eco” Tourism?
2.     Location of Resort
3.     Types of Dive Sites & Types of Diving
4.     Location of Potential Dive Sites near Tobelo,Morotai and Kau
5.     Snorkelling & Snorkelling Activities
6.     Incorporation of P.T
7.     Principles and Design of Resort
8.     Equipments & Investment Needed For Resort
9.     Equipments needed for Dive Operations
10. Equipments needed for Water-sports Operation
11.  Boats needed
12.  Diving Course Classroom Location
13.  Licenses needed
14.  Safety Concerns (Important)
15.  Affiliations
16.   Staffing
17.   Marketing Strategies
18.   Diving Courses Offered
19.   Website
20.    Pricing Structure
21.   Investment
22.  Time-frames
23.   Opportunities

  1. Why an “Eco” Type of Resort ? and what is “Eco” Tourism?

Today. The majority of tourist that visit Resorts around the world, are preferring to stay in Environmentally friendly resorts or so called “Eco” resorts. The real meaning of “Eco” used in the tourism industry is :

Ecotourism (also known as ecological tourism) is travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strives to be low impact and (often) small scale. It helps educate the traveler; provides funds for conservation; directly benefits the economic development and political empowerment of local communities; and fosters respect for different cultures and for human rights. An eco resort is a Eco-resort/resort that uses nature friendly resources for everything from construction to cleaning products. These resorts also reuse many of their items and try to minimize our ecological impact as much as possible.”

Eco resorts typically have a focus on learning new ways to live on the planet, bettering the environment and appreciating the natural surroundings. To accomplish this, eco resorts not only implement an environmentally-conscious approach to running their business, some also offer guests volunteer opportunities to help the environment and local community as well as a variety of eco-activities, such as nature tours and turtle-release programs

The proposed name of our resort is Halmahera Eco-Resort . The reason for choosing the name Halmahera Eco-Resort is the fact that it incorporates the name of Halmahera ,which does not tie us down to a specific location, and it gives us an opportunity in the future ,to branch out with other similar resorts in Halmahera region.. Another reason for choosing this name, is that it is internationally associated Eco-Tourism ,and therefore it is easier to market to visiting divers ,eco-tourists ,etc, than for example Morotai Resort & Dive Center, or Morotai Dive Resort etc…

  1. Location of Resort      WHY HALMAHERA?
”over an area of 24,500 km2. Halmahera is located in the Coral Triangle, the area with the richest marine life in the planet.”
This comment has been made by highly respected marine biologists and conservationists after their visit to Halmahera recently

Maluku Utara Province in Eastern Indonesia(also known as the Spice Islands )has some of the best un-explored dive sites in the world!, specifically Halmahera. These range from Wreck Diving, Deep Diving, Underwater Photography Diving, Cave Diving, Drift Diving, & Night Diving. This is a fact that is now recognised around the world, and please look at the following websites and reports, you will understand more about the potential of this area.

·        http://dunialaut.com/?p=237

  1. Types of Dive Sites & Types of Diving

To attract divers from around the world and from other neighbouring Asian countries, we must be able to offer them many forms of diving that will keep them coming back again to the region and in particular Halmahera. The types of diving that are listed below are all available in Halmahera, provided the equipment and professional instructors are available.

Wreck diving - is a type of recreational diving where shipwrecks are explored.  Although most wreck dive sites are at shipwrecks, there is an increasing trend to scuttle retired ships to create artificial dive sites. Shipwreck diving enables sport divers to visit the past. Each wreck is considered a time capsule into history waiting to be explored. Sport divers also make interesting artifact finds while exploring the remains of sunken ships. This enables the sport diving community to make its own contribution to historians and archaeologists by giving them the information needed for wreck identification and further research. Maluku Utara is rich with history from V.O.C ships, Japanese WW2 ships and recent shipwrecks. Therefore this type of diving will be very popular.

Deep Diving  - The meaning of the term deep diving is a form of technical diving. It is defined by the level of the diver's diver training, diving equipment, breathing gas, and surface support:
In recreational diving, 30 meters / 100 feet may be a "deep dive"
In technical diving, 60 meters / 200 feet may be a "deep dive”

Underwater Photography Diving - is considered an especially challenging area of photography, since it requires very specialized equipment and techniques to be successful. Despite these challenges, it offers the possibility of many exciting and rare photographic opportunities. Animals such as fish and marine mammals are the most common subjects, but photographers also pursue shipwrecks, submerged cave systems, underwater "landscapes", and portraits of fellow divers.

Cave diving - a type of technical diving in which specialized SCUBA equipment is used to enable the exploration of natural or artificial caves which are at least partially filled with water. It is an extension of the more common sport of caving. Water-filled caves
attract cavers and speleologists due to their often unexplored nature, and present divers with a technical diving challenge. Caves often have a wide range of unique physical features, such as stalactites and stalagmites, and can contain unique flora and fauna not found elsewhere. Maluku Utara has many caves in which the divers can explore. One example is the caves near Goa Bokimaluru / Goa Sagea.

Drift diving - is a type of recreational diving where the diver is transported by the currents caused by the tide or in a river. The current gives the diver the impression of flying and allows the diver to cover long distances underwater, possibly seeing more habitats and formations than usual. Often drift diving is performed more for the experience of underwater "flight" and less for interactions with underwater life, which, given the speed at which most divers move, are reduced.
Normal precautions for drift diving are to have a supporting boat follow the divers and to use a surface marker buoy.
Drift diving requires more rigorous planning to be executed safely. In contrast to normal diving, drift diving is generally not planned to coincide with slack water. It is important to consider the direction of tidal streams as well as their strength to avoid divers being swept into dangerous areas such as shipping lanes. It is also important to plan for the danger of separation, either underwater or at the surface. Each diver should carry an appropriate signaling device
It is important for the diver to also have knowledge of the local rules pertaining to the use of surface marker buoys.

Night diving - is a type of recreational diving which takes place in darkness. The diver may see more and has a different underwater experience at night because many marine animals are nocturnal and the diver is forced to concentrate on smaller, nearby objects.
There are additional hazards when diving in darkness, such as torch or flashlight failure resulting in losing vertical visual references and being unable to control depth or buoyancy, being unable to read instruments such as dive computers and diving cylinder contents gauges and separation from the rest of the diving group, boat or shore cover.
Normal precautions for night diving are to have a torch/flashlight, to use a strobe light, to avoid shining your light in other divers' eyes, to know and use surface light signals and to use a surface marker buoy with an attached strobe light.

  1. Location of Potential Dive Sites near Tobelo,Morotai and Kau

Many exploratory dives and trips have been made around the above mentioned areas and islands, by competent and experienced divers and marine biologists, mentioned in the web-links in chapter nr. 2 above. Many more dives to find the best locations will be carried out in October to December 2011 by ourselves and experienced foreign dive instructors and dive masters. These exploratory dives will logged and marked and will be kept confidential to all other resort and dive operators as we will be able to give our divers and guests their own private dive sites that not many people know about.

  1. Snorkelling & Snorkelling Activities

Snorkelling is another form of seawater sports activity that does not require much training or expensive equipments. When our Resort opens we will also have this option available to our guests and customers, as not all people dive or are interested in diving. The snorkelling activities usually are around the resort island, or snorkelers join the same boat as the divers and go snorkelling in the same areas as the divers. The location of snorkelling sites will also be mapped and recorded during the same time as the dive sites that will be explored in October to December 2011. The snorkelling sites will be specifically marked out with the type of fish, corals and other items that the snorkelers will be able to see while snorkelling.

  1. Incorporation of P.T
The company will be “P.T. Halmahera Island Resorts” (PT.H.I.R) and will be incorporated the city of Ternate .This is in-order to get the necessary licenses and permits easier, since it would be a locally established company, with the aim of promoting Eco Tourism to Maluku Utara, in particular to Halmahera.
  1. Principles of Management & Operations of the “Halmahera Island Resort”
The exact design and management of the “Halmahera Island Resort” has been conceptualized with incorporating the traditional “Adat” type of housing from the Halmahera area. Depending on the location of the resort, the designs will all incorporate traditional designs and materials, but with all the amenities and comforts that the international traveler expects and demands.
The “Halmahera Island Resort” will only be built in accordance to the strict guidelines of a environmentally friendly resort, in regards to the water, sewage and garbage disposal systems that are required in order to protect the environment and lessen the pollution factors that usually are found in the construction of resorts.
“Halmahera Island Resort” will specifically be built and managed on the following principles :
Our Resort’s Responsible Tourism Policies
  1. Management, operations and development of the The Resort will be guided by  principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability
  2. The Halmahera Island Resort’s  business will be managed for the enhancement, rather than degradation, of local cultural, economic and natural environments
  3. Management of  The Halmahera Island Resort  will strive to meet and exceed International Standards for Eco-Tourism
  4. Management of The Halmahera Island Resort  will strive to integrate best business practices with best environmental practices
  5. Management of The Halmahera Island Resort  will strive to maintain amicable, open communications with the local community, employing as many staff as possible from the surrounding communities
  6. Management of The Halmahera Island Resort will strive to create new opportunities for  locals to enjoy profits from eco-tourism (not just salaries) The general policy shall be that new opportunities for income should also enhance local eco-tourism generally
  7. Management of The Halmahera Island Resort will strive to set high local standards, in service, guest experience and sustainable management, for future eco-tourism development in the area. In effect, the Eco Lodge will seek to "brand"  The Halmahera Island Resort as a genuine, small-scale, eco-tourism destination
  8. Management of The Halmahera Island Resort will strive to the provide a memorable experience for guests without compromising the principles of sustainability and ethical business
  9. The Owners of The Halmahera Island Resort will continue to pursue a development policy, which focuses on income-growth from improving standards rather than increasing guest numbers, thereby limiting socio-environmental impacts while still providing significant income opportunities for locals
  10. The Halmahera Island Resort will promote a general policy of land-leasing, rather than land purchase, for  future developments thereby encouraging local people to retain ownership (or stewardship) of their family land
  11. Management of The Halmahera Island Resort will encourage the staff to participate in local politics, encouraging more effective regulation and better environmental stewardship by the Community and Government

Our Environmental & Social Sustainability Management Practices


  • We will use only Natural cleaning products in our rooms
    • Eucalyptus oil for floors and toilets
    • Baking soda for sinks and toilets
    • Linseed oil for wooden furniture
    • Newspaper for cleaning windows
    • Natural essential oil spray room fresheners
  • Natural locally produced  soaps
  • Natural locally produced - insect repellents – (Neem, Citronella, Patchouli and Vetiver)
  • We change the towels only when guests request them to be changed ,and only wash them with Natural Washing Powder and Soaps

Infrastructure - Buildings

  • Our accommodation and infrastructure is low impact, visually and environmentally
  • Buildings have been built in harmony with the natural layout of the land
  • Local craftsmen used predominantly traditional designs and building techniques

In the Kitchen

  • We promote local traditional dishes
  • Herbs from the garden to make fresh spices and spice pastes
  • The possibility of  guests to catch fish for  meals in the seas around the resort
  • No MSG or other artificial flavour enhancers in our cooking
  • We buy our produce locally where possible
  • We use locally grown coffee, palm sugar, vanilla, eggs and coconuts
  • We use natural materials for drink coasters – banana leaves
  • We use only  locally grown fruits, herbs and vegetables in our kitchen
  • No plastic straws

Pest control

  • Integrated pest management -Natural pest control using Neem sprays for insect control

Land management

  • Grey and waste/black water is treated via watertight septic tanks and vegetated – wastewater is reused to fertilize the resort’s gardens and flora.

Economic Principles

Local employment
We employ locals only (minimum 80% of staff)

  • We train inexperienced locals and build capacity in experienced staff
  • Our staff live within 30 minutes of the Halmahera Morotai  Eco Resort 
  • Our wages are above the recommended Government wages
  • The service charge and tips  is shared evenly among all of our staff
  • Our staff are supported to attend religious ceremonies

Staff training

  • In-house - Eco-Tourism, Hospitality and Environmental Management training
  • Computer and English skills
  • Staff are provided with literature (Indonesian and English) on Eco Tourism and Sustainability issues
  • Staff are actively encouraged to improve their English skills

Creating employment in the community

  • We will train local village men to be diving and snorkelling guides
  • Provide First Aid and Environmental trainings
  • We will train 2-4 local women to practice therapeutic massage and make an income from massaging our guests

Summary of economic benefits created by the Eco Lodge

  • We employ only local staff from the surrounding communities, except in the instance where local staff do not have the skill set needed for that job
  • Wherever possible, we source products, services and building materials locally
  • We use only local tradesmen on all our building projects
  • Local men will work part-time as trekking guides, tour-guides and dive guides
  • 2-4 local women will work part-time providing therapeutic massage

Social Work

English classes
  • We will conduct weekly English classes for local children aged 5 – 12 years by employing a part-time teacher to teach
Respecting local cultures and supporting local development
  • Guests are informed of appropriate dress and information about our local area by discussion with our staff
  • Guests are welcome to attend local ceremonies
  • Our business is approved by the traditional land owners, the local community and the local government
  • Feedback is sought on our business through informal staff feedback and monthly village meetings
  • A part time staff member represents our business at local community meetings and in general throughout the year in the community
  • We will support the local area by giving10% of our tour  income to improve and develop this attraction
  • We encourage our community to seek grants and help to develop government proposals for environmental improvements in our area
  • Our activities utilise local services

Environmental Principles

  • Ongoing commitment to enhance, rather than degrade, our natural environment
  • We encourage a no bird-catching policy in our surrounding community
  • "no rubbish burning" on our property
  • No chemicals are used in our gardens
  • Protection of the reef and adjacent habitat

Guest Activities

  • Our activities aim to be as low impact as possible i.e. trekking in the rainforest and surrounding areas, diving with educated and trained dive guides to protect the corals and marine life
  • We encourage our guests to donate books, clothes and impart knowledge to the local communities in order to better their lives and livelihood, as well as foster better inter-cultural relationships and understandings.
  • Swimming. We have developed our reef swimming policies to enable minimum impact

Efficient use of energy

  • Our energy consumption through generated power is kept to a minimum
  • We encourage guests to turn off their lights when not in use
  • Because we do not use bright outdoor lighting, guests are provided with torches
  • Deep well water pump is on a timer
  • We use energy saving shower s
  • No bathtubs to conserve water
  • Energy saving light bulbs throughout the property
  • Energy saving front loading washing machine to reduce water and energy consumption
  • No clothes dryer –sun drying only
  • The Halmahera Island Resort uses the smallest, most economical vehicle available for pick-ups and tours

Responsible waste management

  • Sewage is treated on site No untreated sewage or wastewater is released into the environment
  • Biodegradable cleaning items, compatible with biological wastewater treatment, are used in the guest rooms, kitchen and laundry
  • We Recycle glass and plastic bottles and aluminium cans
  • We Compost all organic wastes All non recyclable rubbish is taken to the landfill
  • We have a "No burn" rubbish policy

Commitment to continual improvement

  • A part-time staff member liaises with the community on environmental and social issues
  • We meet monthly with our staff to talk about improvements
  • We teach new skills to our staff – i.e. cooking, environmental management, English
  • Our guests are able to give feedback through in-room feedback forms or verbally
  • We strive constantly to stay up to date and do better- educating ourselves and staff to do the same
Our  “Resort’s Responsible Tourism Policies” Will Be Priorities That PT.Halmahera Island Resorts Will Strive To Achieve, And Any Partner Will Have To Agree To Follow These Policies

  1. Investment

The total investment that PT.Halmahera Island Resorts will invest into the project is approximately US$ 400.000/-
This investment will be made in 4 phases, and they are:

1st Phase:   5.50% of projected costs

The first phase of the project has already been completed and that is :

i)       Establishing of the PT.Halmahera Island Resorts
ii)    Feasibility survey of project visits and underwater surveys as well as site locations that are suitable plus financial and operational projections
iii)  Locating a possible 3 islands in Halmahera Utara for the development of this project, and negotiated long term leases of these islands with the owners
iv)  Design and concept of the resort has been done and will be finished by an architect by the end of September, complete with working drawings, mechanical and engineering drawings and specifications Application for all relevant licenses and Governmental requirements and approvals
v)    Cost prognosis for the construction of the “PT.Halmahera Island Resorts”
vi)  Marketing segmentation of the “PT.Halmahera Island Resorts” has been done and specific marketing strategies are being formulated
vii)           Website for the “PT.Halmahera Island Resorts” is under design and construction

2nd Phase :   37.50 %

i)       Contract Negotiations and agreement for the Lease of the chosen Island with the owners, minimum 20 years lease period ,includes visits to the island and also Notaris payment for making of lease contract
ii)    Payment of initial lease period (5 years) to the owners
iii)  Signing contract with approved contractors & builders
iv)  Down payment to builders and contractors
v)    Sourcing and DP. payment of F.F.E ( furniture’s, fittings and equipments)
vi)  Payment to boat builders to build purpose built dive boats
vii)           Payment and delivery/installation of generators
viii)         Progressive payment to builders and contractors

3rd Phase :  37.50%

i)       Progress Payment to builders/contractors
ii)    Progress Payment to suppliers of F.F.& E
iii)  Payment upon delivery for Boats and Outboard Motors
iv)  Printing/Marketing/Sales Trips, attending tradeshows, exhibitions and promotions to Travel Agents, familiarization trips for travel agents

4th Phase  :  19.50%

i)       Pre-opening Stock Purchases
ii)    Rest Payment to Contractors/Builders
iii)  Rest Payment for Suppliers
iv)  4 month’s operational cash  requirements

Total proposed investment of the “PT.Halmahera Island Resorts Rp. – 100%

Shareholding PT.Halmahera Island Resort    70% - 55% (Rp. 2.800.000.000 –
Investor/Partner to Project PT ...............      30% - 45% (Rp. -  1.800.000.000)

A proper detailed cost/investment proposal with detailed itemized costs will be presented to potential investor/partner, once a M.O.U is undertaken and a “Confidentiality” agreement has been signed between both parties.

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